The Ultimate Guide to Render Cleaning: Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices

The Ultimate Guide to Render Cleaning: Tips, Techniques, and Best Practices

27th June 2023

Welcome to Just Clean Property Care’s ultimate guide to render cleaning! In this blog post, we will provide you with tips and techniques on how to effectively clean your property’s render, as well as best practices for maintaining its cleanliness. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, our expert advice will ensure that your property looks its best all year round. So let’s get started!

What is render?

Render is a popular material used in exterior walls that provides strength, durability and aesthetic appeal. However, over time dirt, grime and pollutants can build up on the surface of the render resulting in an unsightly appearance. Cleaning render is important not only to maintain its visual appeal but also to prevent damage from biocides or bleach-based cleaning products. It’s essential to use the right cleaning techniques such as soft brushing and gentle detergents suitable for rendering surfaces to avoid any damage caused by harsh chemicals or abrasive brushes.

Different types of render

Cement-based render is a popular choice for external walls due to its durability and strength. This type of render can be prone to algae growth, which can be prevented by adding a biocide during the mixing stage. It’s important not to use bleach or detergents when cleaning cement-based render as this can damage the surface.

Acrylic/Silicone render is a flexible option that allows for movement in the building structure without cracking. This type of render has excellent weather resistance and comes in a variety of colours and textures. Cleaning acrylic/silicone render requires only water and gentle brushing, avoiding harsh detergents that could cause damage.

Lime-based render is an eco-friendly option made from natural materials such as lime, sand and water. Lime mortar also has an anti-fungal property making it resistant to mosses, fungi and lichens growth on external surfaces; therefore cleaning with just warm soapy water will suffice rather than using any chemical products.

  • Cement-based Render: Add biocide during mix | Avoid bleach & detergent when cleaning
  • Acrylic/Silicone Render: Flexible option | Water & brush for cleaning| Avoid harsh detergents
  • Lime-Based Render: Eco-Friendly Option | Anti-fungal properties – no need for chemical treatment

Why is render cleaning important?

Regular render cleaning is crucial in maintaining the appearance and value of your property. The build-up of dirt, grime, and harmful substances such as biocides can cause discolouration, leading to a worn-out look that might decrease your home’s overall curb appeal. Using appropriate cleaning methods like brushing or low-pressure washing with detergents instead of bleach will ensure that no damage is done to the structure.

Moreover, removing harmful substances such as algae with professional rendering cleaning services can prevent long-term structural damage caused by erosion and decay. Overall, investing in regular render cleaning services not only enhances how good your home looks but also saves you money on future repairs due to avoidable damage.

Render cleaning techniques

To effectively clean render, it’s important to understand the different techniques involved. Soft washing uses low-pressure water and specialised cleaning solutions to gently remove dirt and grime without damaging the surface. This technique is ideal for delicate or older render that could be damaged by high-pressure methods.

On the other hand, pressure washing involves using a high-powered jet of water to blast away stubborn stains and build-up on tougher surfaces such as newer renders or concrete. It’s essential to use caution when pressure washing as excessive force can cause damage if not handled correctly. By knowing which technique suits your specific needs, you can achieve optimal results while protecting your property from potential harm.

Soft washing

Soft washing is a highly effective option for cleaning render on buildings, as it uses low pressure and specially formulated cleaning solutions to remove dirt and grime without damaging the surface. Here are some reasons why soft washing is a great choice for render cleaning:

  • It’s gentle on the surface, which means there’s less risk of damage or discolouration compared to high-pressure methods.
  • The specially designed detergents used in soft washing dissolve dirt and organic growth at the source, leaving surfaces looking cleaner for longer.
  • Soft washing can be used on all types of render finishes including K Rend, Weber Render and Silicone Render.

To properly execute soft washing technique for rendering cleaning, you will need specific equipment such as:

  • A low-pressure sprayer or specialized soft wash system
  • Appropriate nozzles that provide different spray patterns
  • Protective gear like gloves, goggles and respirators

Here are some best practices to follow when using the soft washing technique:

  • Always test your chosen detergent solution on an inconspicuous area first before applying it more widely.
  • Wear appropriate protective gear when handling chemicals or spraying them onto surfaces.
  • Make sure not to oversaturate walls with water by starting from bottom up direction while spraying.

Soft Washing is one of many techniques available in order to clean renders effectively. However it has its advantages over other techniques due its ability target dirty areas without compromising surrounding features.

Pressure washing

Not all types of renders are suitable for pressure washing, as the high-pressure water jet can cause damage to delicate render surfaces. However, if you have a more robust type of render that can withstand the power of a pressure washer, here are some tips on how to use it safely and effectively:

  • Use low-to-medium pressure settings (around 1000-1500 psi) to avoid damaging or dislodging the render.
  • Hold the nozzle at least two feet away from the surface and move it in even strokes.
  • Test an inconspicuous area first before cleaning larger sections.

If your property has a render that is not suitable for pressure washing or you prefer an alternative method, consider these options:

  • Soft washing: This uses low-pressure streams of water mixed with detergents or chemicals to clean without causing damage.
  • Chemical Cleaning: A solution designed specifically for removing dirt and grime from render is applied then agitated by hand before being rinsed off.

Remember always put safety above everything else when using equipment such as Pressure washer whether electrically powered or gasoline-powered.

Best practices for render cleaning

Regular render cleaning is essential to maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your property. However, it’s important to follow best practices to avoid damage and ensure longevity. Before starting any cleaning process, inspect the render for cracks or signs of wear and tear. Addressing these issues beforehand can help prevent further damage during cleaning.

Using the right cleaning solution is crucial in achieving desirable results without causing harm to the render surface or surrounding areas. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may cause discolouration or corrosion on the surface. Instead, opt for eco-friendly solutions that are gentle yet effective in removing dirt and grime.

In addition, it’s crucial to protect surrounding areas during rendering cleaning by covering them with plastic sheets or tape where necessary. Lastly, always wear protective gear such as gloves and goggles when handling chemicals to minimise exposure risks. Following these simple but effective tips can ensure a successful rendering cleaning process while protecting both you and your property from potential harm caused by improper techniques or incorrect product use.

Inspect the render before cleaning

Before beginning the cleaning process, it is important to thoroughly inspect the render surface. Identify any cracks or damage to the surface and take note of these areas as they may require specialized attention. Additionally, check for areas with heavy staining or discolouration that might need extra care during cleaning.

It’s also crucial to note any specific areas that may require specialized cleaning techniques. This will help ensure that the correct products and methods are used on each section of the render surface, avoiding potential damage or ineffective results. By carefully inspecting before cleaning, you can create a more effective plan for your render cleaning project and get better results in less time!

Use the right cleaning solution

Choose the Right Cleaning Solution

Choosing the right cleaning solution is crucial to ensure effective and safe rendering cleaning. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Choose a solution recommended by the manufacturer: This will help avoid using any solutions that could damage or discolour your render.
  • Consider using eco-friendly options if available: These are better for the environment and also less likely to cause harm or erosion on your property.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals that could damage the render: Chemicals like bleach can strip away paint, discolour render, and even eat away at mortar joints.

Using these tips when choosing a cleaning solution can make all the difference in achieving clean and maintained rendering without causing additional harm.

Protect surrounding areas

Cover nearby plants and vegetation with plastic sheeting to prevent any overspray from damaging these areas during render cleaning. Use tape to protect windows, doors, and other surfaces from overspray as well. Position tarps at the base of walls to catch runoff and debris.

Don’t forget that protecting surrounding areas is just as important as cleaning the render itself! Taking these precautions can save time and money by avoiding damage or clean-up efforts later on. Plus, it shows that you care about your property’s appearance and its impact on the environment around it.

Wear protective gear

When it comes to render cleaning, wearing protective gear is absolutely essential. Always wear gloves, goggles and a face mask to protect your skin and eyes from chemical exposure. Loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught in equipment while working should also be avoided. Additionally, make sure to use slip-resistant shoes with good grip on wet surfaces so you can safely navigate the work area without slips or falls. Remember, safety always comes first!

Tips for maintaining clean render

Regular cleaning is the key to maintaining your render’s cleanliness. Aiming for a bi-annual clean should suffice, but if you live in an area prone to high levels of pollution or harsh weather conditions, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. Ensuring that dirt and grime don’t accumulate on your render will prevent long-term damage and keep it looking pristine.

Another important aspect of maintaining clean render is checking for any damage or repairs needed. Cracks or chips can compromise the integrity of your render, leaving it vulnerable to moisture penetration which leads to mould growth and stains. Checking regularly for any damages and making prompt repairs will save you time and money in the long run.

Regular cleaning schedule

Choose the right time of year to clean your render. The best time to clean your render is during dry weather, ideally in the spring or summer months. Avoid cleaning during winter as the frost can damage freshly cleaned areas.

Use a gentle and non-abrasive cleaner on your render. Abrasive cleaners can cause permanent damage to your render surface, leaving it vulnerable to further dirt buildup and staining. Opt for a natural or biodegradable cleaner that won’t harm surrounding vegetation.

Make sure to rinse off all cleaning solution thoroughly after cleaning. Leaving any residue of detergent on the surface can lead to unsightly streaks or marks appearing on your rendered walls over time, especially when exposed to sunlight. Rinse well with plenty of water until all traces of detergent are gone before letting it dry completely without using any drying equipment like heat gun etc..

Check for damage and repairs

Inspect the surface of your render for cracks or missing pieces regularly. These can occur over time due to harsh weather conditions, and if left unattended, can lead to greater damage. Don’t wait until it’s too late – repair any damages as soon as possible before they become costly repairs.

If you are unsure about how to make repairs on your own, consider hiring a professional who has experience in rendering and repairing damages. It may cost more upfront but will save you money in the long run by preventing further damage that could be caused by amateur repairs. By taking proper care of your render and fixing damages promptly, you can prolong its lifespan and keep it looking great for years to come!

Trim surrounding vegetation

Keep trees, bushes and vines trimmed away from the walls of your building to prevent them from damaging the render surface. Plant roots can grow into small cracks and cause significant damage over time. Remove any plant material that may be growing on the wall surface or in between cracks to keep your render looking clean and free of stains.

It’s best to hire a professional landscaper for regular maintenance if you’re not confident about trimming vegetation around your property. A landscaper has experience with different types of plants and knows how to trim them without causing harm. Regular monitoring and pruning will help maintain a healthy landscape while keeping your rendered walls in top shape.


In conclusion, maintaining the appearance and functionality of your rendered surfaces is crucial to preserving the value and appeal of your property. Regular cleaning using appropriate techniques and products can help prevent damage, discolouration, and other issues caused by dirt, pollution, weathering, or biological growth. By following our expert tips on render cleaning, you can achieve optimal results while avoiding costly mistakes or hazards.

Remember to always assess the condition of your render before starting any cleaning process. Use suitable equipment and protective gear as necessary. Avoid abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that may cause scratches or stains on the surface. And if in doubt about how to proceed with tough stains or severe damage, seek professional advice from a trusted rendering specialist who can provide tailored solutions for your specific needs.